Things are happening behind the scenes at tagunda. Torgar’s Quest is progressing nicely and scheduled for a March release. Beta testing is coming to an end, and we are moving into the pre-launch phase. Expect a lot more on that in the weeks to come, as we work towards listing the game on Steam Greenlight.
Secondly, we will start posting more content on a regular basis. This content will focus on the game making process. I will be sharing glimpses from behind the scenes, thoughts on process and design, tips and recommendations, and whatever else is deemed relevant and interesting.
Finally, the company is going from a one-man show, to being a mom-and-pop business. An accomplished gamer with years of community management experience and social media super powers, Kelly Cline (who also happens to also be my better half), will be taking an active role in tagunda.
Kelly will be the primary voice of tagunda on Twitter, in newsletters and elsewhere. She is also involved in deciding things like which projects get prioritized in the future, and she has a ton of ideas there. I’m happy to announce that my partner in life, is also my partner in business.
Stay connected with us, and sign up for our monthly email newsletter. It’s an easy way to stay informed and never miss out on anything tagunda! We hope to see a lot more of you in 2016!