All posts by theprint

Torgar’s new website

Things are getting real; Torgar’s Quest has a new website to go with the beta version. The game is still very much evolving with pretty much daily improvements. The pressure is on, because the closed beta testing begins in September, and the goal is to get something as close to the end result as possible before then.

Once testing begins, things will be revised and re-balanced yet again, based on player feedback. And no, there is no set release date yet. Check out the new site, and if you’re interested, sign up for beta access.

Torgar is in beta

Update: Closed beta starts in September.

Torgar’s Quest is now officially out of alpha. This means that the basic game mechanics are in place, and work has started on adding a few more features, balancing and polishing the game during the beta phase.

Major additions to come include localization, more original artwork, and special attacks. Other changes include tweaking the balance at the higher difficulties, and adding things like achievements.

You can follow the progress here or via IndieDB, GameJolt or the mailing list.

The alpha version of Torgar’s Quest is available to download for free, and will remain so for the time being (Windows only, via GameJolt or IndieDB). There are currently no plans for a public beta, but if you’re a huge fan, use the contact form to get in touch, and you might end on the private beta list.

Related: here are some more words about Torgar’s Quest and the making of it.

Mars Rider Intermezzo

Mars RiderWhile work continues on Torgar’s Quest, sometimes it’s good to break away and do something different for a while. This is how Mars Rider came about, as a 1.5 day project, creating an homage to a true arcade classic.

The goal is simple: avoid the rocks, and avoid getting shot by UFOs. Shoot and jump your way across the planet surface using the arrow keys.

Mars Rider is free for Windows and can be downloaded via GameJolt.